Sabtu, 25 Januari 2020


1.      Biaya Investasi
        Desain Tempat Usaha                                                       Rp 2.000.000
        Mesin Cuci Helm 5 Blower2 Pcs @Rp.4.900.000           Rp  9.800.000
        Pembelian Kursi dan Meja (Furniture)                             Rp  2.000.000
        Alat Tulis Kantor untuk Administrasi                              Rp 500.000
        Handuk/Kanebo 4 Lusin @lusin Rp. 60.000                   Rp  240.000

Total                                                                                Rp. 14.540.000

2.      Biaya Operasional / Bulan
        Sewa Lahan usaha                                                         Rp  2.000.000
        Gaji Pegawai Cuci 3 Orang                                           Rp 4.500.000
        Gaji Pegawai Pengeringan 2 Orang                               Rp 3.000.000
        Gaji Kasir 1 Orang                                                         Rp 1.500.000
        Biaya Listrik                                                                   Rp  200.000
        Biaya keamanan Ruko                                                    Rp 50.000
        Biaya Kebersihan                                                             Rp 50.000
Total                                                                                 Rp. 11.300.000
Total Biaya yang harus dikeluarkan atau modal awal dalam pendirian Claundry Helmet berdasarkan biaya investasi dan biaya operasional bulan pertama didapat sebesar Rp. 25.840.000. Modal yang dikeluarkan dengan biaya sendiri yaitu sebesar 50%, dan modal dari pinjaman / investor independen (perorangan) sebesar 50%.
Biaya Operasional (Rp. 11.300.000/25)  Rp 452.000
 Rp. 100.000/ 1 Liter  @Helm = 50 ml                        Rp 5.000
Rp. 150.000 / 1 Liter @Helm = 25 ml                         Rp 3.750

    Parfum Helm Rp. 60.000/ 300 ml @Helm = 5 ml     Rp 1.000
Total Biaya Produksi @ Helm                                    Rp.    9.750
Profit Per Helm                                                           Rp.  15.250
Harga Jasa Cuci Per Helm                                          Rp.  25.000

Profit Keuntungan Perhari (Asumsi 75 Helm/ Hari)
Profit Cuci Helm @pcs Rp. 15.250 x 75 pcs              Rp.1.143.750 / Hari
Biaya Operasional Harian                                           Rp.   452.000  / Hari
Total Keuntungan Bersih Perhari                                Rp.   691.650 /  Hari
 Biaya Jasa= Biaya jasa @helm Rp. 25.000
Biaya Jasa per satu helm adalah sebesar Rp. 25.000 dengan profit atau keuntungan sebesar Rp. 15.250.
 BEP Jasa
= Total Biaya : Biaya Jasa / pcs
= Rp. 25.840.000 : Rp. 25.000  = 1034 pcs Helm >> Artinya Modal keseluruhan yang dikeluarkan akan balik modal setelah memberikan jasa cuci helm sebanyak 1034 pcs helm.

Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Kepariwisataan 2

Working in the hotel industry can be fun and exciting, depending on the hotel and your position there. There are a lot of jobs to choose from, although with some jobs you'll need to have a degree, training, or several years of experience. While many people think about working in large luxury hotels or resorts, there are also motels, bed and breakfasts, and a lot of other employers. At each hotel, though, similar positions need to be filled.
  Fly drive holiday is a kind of holiday which arranged at a fixed price that includes your flight to a place, a car to drive while you are there, and a place to stay. One of the best ways to explore independently is with your own wheels! Whether you’re looking for a self-drive holiday with a car or campervan,we can advise on exactly the right vehicle to suit you.
 Any kind of food is, proteins, fats, food phenolic, dietary fiber. A protein is a complex, high molecular weight organic compound that consists of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. Protein is essential to the structure and function of all living cells and viruses.
 Carbohydrates (literally hydrates of carbon) are chemical compounds which act as the primary biological means of storing or consuming energy; other forms being via fat and protein.
 Phenolic food compounds (also known as aromatic food compounds) occur naturally in all foods: they give the food colour and flavour and help to prevent premature decomposition.
 City Tour would like to take you to the most picturesque sites of the city in one of our mini busses with panoramic view, while you enjoy comments and explanations in English.
 A cruise ship is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages when the voyage itself, the ship's amenities.

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018


 Kepariwisataan (tourism) diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan usaha melayani serta memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan orang yang sedang melakukan perjalanan (traveller). Wujudnya berupa penyediaan dan pelayanan sejumlah fasilitas promosi, perencanaan perjalanan, transportasi dan penyediaan daerah tujuan wisata yang menarik dan menyenangkan, yang ada fasilitas rekreasi.
Jenis-jenis pariwisata.
 Pariwisata Lokal, Pariwisata setempat yang mempunyai ruang lingkup relatif sempit dan terbatas dalam tempat-tempat tertentu saja. Misalnya pariwisata kota Bandung, DKI Jakarta, Kota Tua Jakarta, Wisata kota Semarang, kota Magelang, kota Bogor, kepulauan seribu dll yang wilayahnya tidak lebih besar dari pada wilayah provinsi.
 Pariwisata Regional (Regional Tourism), pariwisata yang berkembang di suatu tempat atau daerah yang ruang lingkupnya lebih luas bila dibandingkan dengan local tourism, tetapi lebih sempit bila dibandingkan dengan national tourism. Misalnya Pariwisata Sumatera Utara, Bali, Lombok, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Yogyakarta dll.
 Pariwisata Nasional (National Tourism), kegiatan pariwisata yang berkembang dalam wilayah suatu negara. Pengertian ini sama halnya dengan “pariwisata dalam negeri” atau domestic tourism, di mana titik beratnya orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan wisata adalah warga negara itu sendiri dan warga asing yang berdomisili di negara tersebut.
Jenis jenis tujuan pariwisata
  Business Tourism, yaitu jenis Pariwisata di mana pengunjungnya datang untuk tujuan dinas, usaha dagang atau yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, meeting, insentif, convention, exhabition (MICE). Sedikit berbeda dengan vocational tourism dan educational tourism yang mana business tourism lebih kea rah kepentingan bisnis atau pekerjaan.
 Vacational Tourism, Jenis Pariwisata di mana orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan wisata terdiri dari orang-orang yang sedang berlibur atau memanfaatkan waktu luang. Biasanya banyak terdapat di hari libur nasional, hari raya keagamaan, dan beberapa hari-hari yang biasa nyaman di manfaatkan untuk berlibur.
 Educational Tourism. Jenis Pariwisata di mana pengunjung melakukan perjalanan untuk tujuan studi atau mempelajari sesuatu di bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Educational Tourism meliputi study tour atau dharmawisata. Dalam bidang bahasa dikenal istilah polly glotisch, yaitu orang-orang yang tinggal sementara waktu di suatu negara untuk mempelajari bahasa negara tersebut.
Klasifikasi wisatawan.
Wisatawan dapat di kategorikan sebagai Youth Tourism dan Adult Tourism, di mana Youth adalah jenis Pariwisata yang dikembangkan bagi para remaja yang senang melakukan perjalanan wisata dengan harga relatif murah dan biasanya menggunkan akomodasi Youth Hostel. Itu merupakan kategori yang pertama.
 Kegiatan Pariwisata yang diikut oleh orang-orang yang berusia lanjut adalah adult tourism. Biasanya orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan ini adalah orang-orang yang sedang menjalani masa pengsiunnya dan ingin menghabiskan masa tua mereka dengan pergi berwisata ke tempat-tempat yang belum pernah dikunjungi sebelumnya.
Masculine Tourism. Yakni jenis Pariwisata yang kegiatannya hanya diikuti oleh kaum pria saja. Seperti misalnya Safari Hunting Adventure yang sering dilakukan di Afrika, sedangkan feminine Tourism adalah jenis Pariwisata yang hanya diikuti oleh kaum wanita saja. Misalnya tour yang diselenggarakan khusus untuk menyaksikan demonstrasi kecantikan, memasak, menghias.
Biro Perjalanan Umum, Cabang Biro Perjalanan Umum dan Agen Perjalanan
 Kepariwisataan sebagai suatu industri yang utama ialah pengangkutan. Pengangkutan meliputi pengurusan berpergian seseorang dari tempat kediamannya menuju ke daerah tujuan wisata, baik yang bersangkutan dengan dokumen perjalanan, urusan batal territorial suatu Negara maupun transportnya.
 Sektor kegiatan yang tercakup di dalamnya ialah perusahaan-perusahaan angkutan darat, laut maupun udara dan biro perjalanan. Industri yang kedua ialah akomodasi, dan yang ketiga yaitu segala sesuatu yang menarik wisatawan untuk berkunjung. Peraturan pokok pengusahaan perusahaan perjalanan (travel agency) mula-mula diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Menhub.
 Sesuai dengan sifat kegiatannya, perusahaan travel dibedakan menjadi 2. Wholesaler adalah perusahaan perjalan yang menyusun rencana perjalan yang menyeluruh ataupun secara khusus yang diperjualkan kepada retail travel agent, sedangkan retailer adalah perusahaan perjalanan yang menjual tour atau melakukan perantaraan perjalanan langsung kepada konsumen.
Dampak Pariwisata Terhadap Sosial Budaya.  
Pada hampir kebanyakan negara-negara berkembang, ada kecendrungan untuk menjadikan cahaya matahari (sun), pantai (shore) pasir (sand) dan bahkan seks, yang dikemas dengan daya tarik seni budaya serta keramahtamahan untuk menarik wisatawan datang berkunjung pada suatu daerah tujuan wisata (DTW).
 Pariwisata memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar. Pengaruhnya dapat dirasakan, mulai dari kota, desa, kampong, bahkan jauh sampai kepedalaman. Pariwisata berhasil memindahkan Italian Art dari Roma, memindahkan tata cara makan dan minum dari Inggris, seni arsitektur dan kesusastraan dari Jerman.
 Pengaruh lain dari kegiatan pariwisata adalah orang-orang bebas bergerak dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, dari lingkungan yang satu ke lingkungan lain yang sama sekali berbeda bangsa dan agama. Masing-masing wisatawan memiliki kebiasaan, tingkah laku dan keinginan yang berbeda-beda bahkan bertolak belakang dengan tata cara hidup (the way of life).

Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Link tugas interview turis asing


-Dzaudi Mahdi

Camera man
-Muhammad Afif

Video Editor and Interview Script
-Aldo Dwi Prasetya

Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

TX Travel, important point of travel at Cibubur

 As we know that travelling is an enjoyable things that many people do to spend their time, they travelling to have fun, for business, for education, religious and many more reason. To do travelling there is so many corporation that give very important service to their costumer to have a nice trip. That kind of corporation which we know as tour and travel agent.

 Many tour and travel agent open the outlet near the place which so many housing complex, because they all ready know that their costumer will be the people who live in elite housing complex, as we know in Kelapa Gading-North Jakarta, Sentul-Bogor, Harapan Indah-Bekasi, BSD-Tanggerang and we will know much better about one of one stop travel agent which have their outlet in Cibubur, one of elite housing complex area in East Jakarta. Many rich people and public figure life in Cibubur or have their own house in this area. Edho Zell (famous you tubers), Bunga Citra Lestari (singer), Randy Martin (actor), Gaga Muhammad (instagram celebrity), Dewi Persik (singer), and also Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Indonesian ex president) are the famous people and public figure who have their own house in Cibubur area. SBY's speech "Lebaran Kuda" also recorded in his house at Cikeas-Cibubur area. Maybe TX Travel see this as the business opportunities so they not doubt to open their corporation in this elite housing complex area. We will describe about the report of our interview with TX Travel cibubur's Supervision, Novi.

 TX Travel have the central outlet in Ruko Atap Merah, which located in Pecenongan, Jakarta. But, that company want to open the outlet in Cibubur because they see so many opportunities. Was first open at the year of 2004.  From 2004 until now, TX travel manage the business by selling flight ticket, hotel voucher, tour guide, religious tourism to Mecca or Medinah and many more. TX Travel also joint venture with so many travel agent to give the big and good service to the costumer. PPLI, Pelita Maju, Gaya Solution are the company which work joint venture with TX Travel. All flight domestic corporation sell their ticket at TX Travel until now. Not only in Jakarta, but TX Travel have the office outlet at all the city in Indonesia, TX Travel until now have 200 branch and still want to make more bigger to give travel solution. Maybe in another country to make a better future for the world travelling.

 For your information, TX Travel Cibubur is located at Alternative cibubur street, and the office open for service from 08.00 AM to 22.01 PM. That place is recomended for you if you want to buy airline ticket, booking for religious travel to Mecca, happy family travelling to Hong Kong and another travel business.

Interviewer group

1. Aldo Dwi Prasetya
2. Dzaudi Mahdi
3. Krisyunian
4. Muhammad Afif

5. Reyhan Pradipta

Kamis, 20 April 2017

EXPLORE THE HISTORICAL OF JAKARTA (As waiting for 2nd election)

 Last time at the day of Tuesday, me and the other 3 collage partner went to Jakarta Historical Museum at Old Town Jakarta, or we have know as Fatahilah Museum. We went there by take a commuter line train and also we want to know so many about the historical of Jakarta, and also the history of that old building.
 This building, Jakarta historical Museum is located at Old City Jakarta, near Jakarta kota station and you can go to this place by commuter line, transjakarta or taxi if you go from downtown Jakarta.
 In front of this building, there is a large field which it function was the place to kill the criminal people at Holland era.

 That building was the Jakarta city hall when the country of Holland was become Indonesian governance. This building was constructed at 25 January of 1707 and be a real building at 1710. Holland was control all aspect of Indonesian and Jakarta in that period. The function in that year is for Jakarta city hall, under the building there is under ground jail which have a function for the house of criminal people at that period.
  This building also can we know as talking building, because in this building, people manage the business which about letters or communication one people to the other people, so that’s why this building know also as talking building, not only for city hall or governance office. When this building ready after constructed, Jakarta was know as Batavia or Sunda Kelapa. This building also be the central of VOC.
 The leader from Holland who have this place as the office was Pieter Both, this building was chosen by so many Indonesian leader from Holland because its very near from Sunda Kelapa Port, and of course its very near to the sea and to the place which food or any other things come to Indonesia for the first time by fery from another country.

 Another function of the building is also for the jail, the jail is located at the under ground and in that era there are so many people who have a status as criminal stay at the underground jail for a long time, until they are die because they are not have enough food which given by the governance at that era.
 The jail is very small and the criminal people must drink the water from underground, they can’t drink clean water or eat clean food. So that’s why people in that era very afraid to go to the jail, because they never feel like normal human when they go to the jail.
 When Japan come to Indonesia, this building also have a function as city hall and not only that, Japan make a new function in this building, as central logistic. At the year of 1942.
 1968, this building officially owned by governance of Jakarta, and at the year of 1974, Ali Sadikin, the leader of Jakarta in that year give a new function for this building, the function is as historical museum, the place which people can easy know about the history of Jakarta, until now.

1. Aldo Dwi Prasetya
2. Krisyunian
3. Dzaudi    

4. Reyhan